kasht bhugatana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. What to hang? DIR I am ashamed to have believed in God and I suffer from no longer believe! / DIR So Yesenin decides to accept Soviet Russia 2. When it suffer the same fate at his bootmaker, Roussel starts talking purely private language: excess took over the process, and the text becomes completely sealed 3. ) You must not suffer more this shameful promiscuity with a wizened figure who is receiving nowhere ( 4. The gods they create have lost their failure: they suffer and sympathize with the sufferings of humanity

Given are the examples of hindi word kasht bhugatana usage in english sentences. The examples of kasht bhugatana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., suffer.

The major problems with observational methods are that the observer has little control over the situation and the reports may suffer from subjective interpretations of the observer.

?? Smaller parties and independent candidates suffer a huge disadvantage compared to bigger parties.
Although a large section of people suffer from food and nutrition insecurity in India, the worst affected groups are landless people with little or no land to depend upon, traditional artisans, providers of traditional services, petty selfemployed workers and destitutes including beggars.
Poor people suffer from chronic hunger because of their very low income and in turn inability to buy food even for survival.
Although a large section of people suffer from food and nutrition insecurity in India, the worst affected groups are landless or land poor households in rural areas and people employed in ill paid occupations and casual labourers engaged in seasonal activities in the urban areas.
Poultry fowl suffer from a number of diseases caused by virus, bacteria, fungi, parasites, as well as from nutritional deficiencies.
Such effects are supposed to be more dangerous for the smoker; however, those who inhale tobacco smoke (passive smoking) can also suffer the negative effects.
The poor are more likely to suffer from specific mental illnesses compared to the rich, possibly due to constant worriness about basic necessities, feelings of insecurity, or inability to get medical facilities, especially for mental illnesses.
As a result, they also suffer from emotional and adjustment problems.
You may recall the names of Baba Amte or Stephen Hawkins, both of whom suffer from crippling diseases but have made great contributions in their fields.
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